Our Services â‘School Readiness Program’ (Regional Provider for North East – Allied Health support for kindergartens)33081 AngelsAA-Z ServicesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Significant Dates 2025About WHCLSAcknowledgementsAlcohol & Drug SupportAppointment informationBBarrbunin BeekCCarer SupportChildren’s dental careChildren’s Walking ClinicCommunity engagement and outreachCommunity Legal ServiceContact WHCLSCounselling servicesDDay rehabilitationDentalDiabetes EducationDieteticsDietetics & Nutrition for ChildrenDonate goodsDownload Oral Health ResourcesEEmergency dental helpFFamily Support GroupsFinancial and material supportFinancial counsellingFirst Nations HealthGGamblers HelpGambling Harm Recovery GroupGambling related counsellingGambling SupportGeneral dental careHHeadtoHealthHimilo Community ConnectKKids, Youth & FamiliesLLa Trobe University Student Legal ServiceLIFT stepped care modelMMedicalMental HealthMidwifery and reproductive healthNNDISNot a Dollar More: PodcastOOccupational TherapyOccupational Therapy for childrenOlympic Adult EducationOral health educationOur Aboriginal Health ProgramsOur legal servicesOur medical servicesOur medical teamOur programsOur SpeakersOur work and projects (v1)Over 65PPeer Connection and GroupsPeer supportPhysical HealthPhysiotherapyPodiatryProjectsPublicationsRRequest goodsResources and ResearchReSPINReSPIN Booking FormSServices provided during COVID-19Smiles 4 MilesSocial SupportSocial work support and emergency reliefSpeech PathologySPOT-On Program: strengthening school readiness in early learning centresSupport usTTelehealth at Banyule Community Health’s Medical PracticeThe ReSPIN ProgramTreatment and care planningUUrgent helpVVolunteer with Peer ConnectionVolunteer with ReSPINVolunteer with the AngelsWWe are a Child Safe OrganisationWe love storiesWhat do we do?What is Peer Connection?What to expect when you visitWhat we doWho are the 3081 Angels?Why is reading important?YYouth Foundation