Our work and projects (v1)

We provide positive experiences + positive relationships + positive environments through which young people can grow into resilient, healthy and positive adults.


Each year, young people decide what the projects will be, and are supported by the youth facilitator to make them happen.

Current projects include:

3081 Aboriginal Youth Forum, a deadly day of sport, music, performance, culture, food, yarning and creativity for Aboriginal children and young people, to have their say, be listened to and make change.

Girls Group, monthly after school activity group for girls in Grades 5, 6 and 7 to connect, have fun and talk about important stuff.

Literacy Hoops, local VCAL students act as buddies to Grade 3 students at Olympic Village Primary School, running activities in literacy, sport and environmental awareness.

Mural for Malmsbury, clients at Parkville College Malmbsury building their education in design and art through collaborating with professional artists on a huge mural.

Star Struck Dance Club, a dance club for Girls in Grades 2 – 6 who’ve never had the opportunity to have professional tuition.

Women’s Business, clients at Parkville College, Parkville, working with Aboriginal business women to learn about jewellery making and running their own business.

Acknowledgement: Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Visit the Department of Health and Aged Care website (www.health.gov.au) for more information.

Disclaimer: Although funding for these Allied Health services has been provided by the Australian Government, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Australian Government.