Our friendly team of doctors, nurses, practice support staff and other medical professionals are here to support you with advice, treatment and care.

Our doctors
Our doctors can treat and help you manage a range of health conditions. General Practitioners (GPs) are community based and treat all types of illnesses. They will refer you to specialists when needed. Paediatricians specialise in children’s health.
Dr Emrana Alavi, GP
Dr Neil Cameron, GP
Dr Denise Chao, GP
Dr Paul McGuire, GP
Dr Mohan Singh, GP
Dr Penelope Stevens, Paediatrician
Dr Rowena Silcock, Paediatrician
Our nurses
Our nurses can help plan and review your care and provide some treatments and referrals to other health professionals as needed. Some of the services our nurses can assist you with are:
- Health assessments
- Care planning and reviews
- Pathology
- Wound care
- Immunisation
- Inhalation therapy
- Assisting doctors with minor surgical procedures
- Health information and advice
Nurse appointments are available from our West Heidelberg clinic and in client’s home, depending on the service required.
Other medical professionals
Our team is also supported by other health professionals, including a non-dispensing pharmacist, psychiatry registrar and alcohol and drug specialists.