HeadtoHealth supports Victorians of all ages find the best mental health support for them.

Support is provided through 15 HeadtoHealth hubs around Victoria, including at Banyule Community Health in West Heidelberg or Greensborough and Nexus in Wallan.
When a person calls HeadtoHealth on 1800 595 212 or Banyule Community Health direct on 9450 2000, an experienced mental health professional will listen and work with them to find the best ways to get the help they need.
Depending on a person’s needs, they may:
• be connected with suitable existing services
• receive care at a HeadtoHealth hub, either onsite or through telehealth
• be connected to specialist or acute mental health services, including into emergency care.
For more information about HeadtoHealth, visit www.headtohealth.gov.au
The HeadtoHealth program is always free. Contact us to see if you are eligible for this service.
Contact us to book an appointment today. You may self-refer or your health care professional can refer you to our general counselling service.
HeadtoHealth is a collaborative initiative of Victoria’s Primary Health Networks and funded by the Australian Government.