The Rainbow Tick is a quality framework that helps organisations demonstrate that they are safe, inclusive and affirming employers and service provider for the LGBTIQA+ community.
Banyule Community Health affirmed its commitment to diversity and inclusion, with a range of targeted focus areas in the 2020-25 Strategic Plan. Improving safety, inclusion and access for the LGBTIQA+ community was a priority, and a commitment was made to achieve Rainbow Tick accreditation. The work to achieving the Rainbow Tick comes on the back of a deep investment and commitment to codesign with community members, advocacy groups and staff.
“Whilst Banyule Community Health has always been inclusive and diverse, it was apparent that our commitment needed to be more explicit to the LGBTIQA+ community. We needed to lead and demonstrate our commitment in deliberate and targeted actions to improve the health and wellbeing of our LGBTIQA+ identifying community members,” stated CEO Mick Geary.
The commitment from Banyule Community Health Board, management and staff included codesign with community, training from experts and people with lived experience, celebrating key milestones and events, reviewing policy and systems, being stronger advocates and activating equitable pathways to service delivery.
“I’m so proud of the work that our people have undertaken to achieve the Rainbow Tick. We will deepen our work in inclusion and engagement on the back of achieving Rainbow Tick” stated CEO Mick Geary. “Our plans are to ensure we attract and retain staff from the LGBTIQA+ community and ensure our services are safe and inclusive for the community.”
Tommy, one of our valued staff who identifies with the G in LGBTIQA+ said: “The journey to Rainbow Tick Accreditation ensures our workplace environment & services are welcoming, safe and inclusive for everyone, particularly the LGBTIQA+ community.”
Malcolm, a key community member of the Rainbow Shapers and Shakers Working Group that guided the work towards Rainbow Tick was elated with the news. “Having my voice heard, to influence look and feel of the centre, has made me feel proud to be part of the Rainbow Tick journey, and I feel honoured to be involved in the successful accreditation.”