Carers play a crucial role and provide great benefits to the people for whom they care and to the community at large.

Banyule Community Health provides support to carers who are experiencing difficulties related to their caring role. Carer support is provided by an experienced social worker.
If you are supporting a family member or friend who is frail or aged, disabled, has a chronic health condition or has a mental illness, we are here to help you.
Our services include:
- A holistic assessment of your health and well being
- Goal setting to focus on what you want to achieve or be able to do
- Emotional support to help you to continue in their caring role
- Information, advocacy and linking you with other services as needed
Appointments are available at our centres, but if you are isolated and can’t get here, we can visit you in your home.
This is a free service.
Contact us today to make an appointment.
Our commitment to you
Banyule Community Health adopts the principles set out in the Statement of Australia’s Carers in its approach to carer recognition and support:
- All carers should have the same rights, choices and opportunities as other Australians, regardless of age, race, sex, disability, sexuality, religious or political beliefs, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage, cultural or linguistic differences, socioeconomic status or locality.
- Children and young people who are carers should have the same rights as all children and young people and should be supported to reach their full potential.
- The valuable social and economic contribution that carers make to society should be recognised and supported.
- Carers should be supported to enjoy optimum health and social wellbeing and to participate in family, social and community life.
- Carers should be acknowledged as individuals with their own needs within and beyond the caring role.
- The relationship between carers and the persons for whom they care should be recognised and respected.
- Carers should be considered as partners with other care providers in the provision of care, acknowledging the unique knowledge and experience of carers.
- Carers should be treated with dignity and respect.
- Carers should be supported to achieve greater economic wellbeing and sustainability and, where appropriate, should have opportunities to participate in employment and education.
- Support for carers should be timely, responsive, appropriate and accessible.
Acknowledgement: Funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Visit the Department of Health and Aged Care website ( for more information.
Disclaimer: Although funding for these Allied Health services has been provided by the Australian Government, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Australian Government.