If you’ve been to our RMIT COVID testing site, Renae has probably helped you out.
Renae is a traffic controller with our COVID testing team, helping the community get tested and stay safe.
Before the pandemic, Renae was working as an Operations Assistant at a ski school in Japan. As if that wasn’t cool enough, before landing in Japan she had been travelling around the world for 6 years! We’re very jealous Renae…
After injuring her shoulder while snowboarding, Renae made the move back to Melbourne and joined Australian Traffic Control in July 2020. Renae started working at our Greensborough COVID testing site, and since then she has found her way to our team at the RMIT COVID testing clinic.
Renae loves her ‘work family’ and says interacting with the community members has been a highlight of her role. Everyone on Renae’s team has earnt their own nickname too! There’s ‘the lady in pink’, the ‘lady who made scones’, and ‘Mr. Fix It’.
“It’s hard to pinpoint a favourite moment, but the best part has been the quality of the people.”
If she’s not helping organise our RMIT COVID testing site you can usually find Renae hiking, surfing, or spending time in nature. Clearly, she loves to travel, but unfortunately that’s all on hold for now. Renae is proud to tell people about her job at the testing clinic, just as we are proud to have her as part of the Banyule Community Health COVID testing clinic team.
Thank you to Renae and all our wonderful traffic controllers!