We abide by the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights and the Charter for Aged Care Rights. We have also put in place policies and procedures to uphold the Victorian Child Safe Standards.
Your Health Rights
- ACCESS: You can access healthcare services that meet your needs.
- SAFETY: You will receive safe and high quality care. We believe that every child and adult has the right to feel safe and welcome. You can let us know if you feel unsafe at any time and we can provide you with support and information. We might also ask you questions about your safety.
- RESPECT: You are treated in a dignified and fair way. Your individual differences will be recognised and respected.
- PARTNERSHIP: You can include the people that you want in your healthcare planning and decision making. You can make decisions with your healthcare provider, to the extent that you choose and are able to. We welcome your questions and encourage you to have open and honest communication with us.
- INFORMATION: You are given information in a way you can understand, so you can give informed consent. If something goes wrong with your healthcare, we will be open about it. You can access your health information. We will help you, when you need it, to understand your health information.
- PRIVACY: Your personal information will be kept safe and confidential in accordance with Australian laws.
- GIVE FEEDBACK: You can share your experience or complain about your care without it affecting how we treat you. We will listen to your concerns and deal with them properly and promptly as feedback can help us to improve the quality of our care and services.
Your Responsibilities
- Actively participate in the management of your own health and wellbeing to the best of your ability.
- Give us correct information about yourself and your health needs so we can provide you with safe and high quality care.
- Tell us if you do not understand something and ask questions about your healthcare or anything you need us to explain in more detail.
- Alert us to any risks to your safety or the safety of others while you are using our services.
- Respect the privacy of others attending our services and keep in confidence, information shared by group members in our programs.
- If you cannot keep an appointment, tell us as soon as possible so we can reschedule your appointment if you still want one.
- Be considerate and treat the workers and other users of our services with dignity and respect. Act in a way that makes you and others feel safe.
Children and Young People
Banyule Community Health supports the rights and wellbeing of children and young people. Our staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe. We support:
- CULTURAL SAFETY: We provide a respectful, welcoming and strengths-based approach and environment for First Nations children, young people and their families.
- DIVERSITY: We recognise and value the unique identities, abilities and experiences of all children and young people.
- CONSENT & PARTICIPATION: We empower children and young people to have a voice and encourage them to participate in decisions affecting them. We take their views seriously.
- RESPECT: We keep families and caregivers informed and involved in their child/young person’s health and wellbeing.
- FEEDBACK: We welcome feedback from children, young people and families. Our process is child friendly.
- PRIVACY: We respect the privacy of children and young people.
Communication Support
Communication or language should not be a barrier for you to access services at Banyule Community Health. You are welcome to use an interpreter. Interpreting services are provided free of charge but bookings are necessary. If you need an interpreter, please tell us when booking your appointment.
Client Advocate
You have the right to have an advocate of your choice to support you when accessing our services or making any complaints.