With this year’s National Volunteer Week (#NVW2019) celebrations drawing near, it made us wonder how each volunteer ‘makes a world of difference’ to our Banyule clients through volunteering - in their own way.

And we didn’t have to look very far to see how varied the volunteering experience can be when we looked internally at our Legal Service team.
Although we have typical, short-term student placements, we also have volunteers that commit to contributing for one year as a part of our Volunteer Law Clerk programme. On top of that we have experienced lawyers that are working in paid employment but still make the time to assist our service on a weekly basis.
Not to mention, we are also supported by private law firms that we collaborative with to provide services that we would other not be able to.
So no matter how, when or why our volunteers contribute, we would like to thank and acknowledge the amazing contribution that all volunteers offer to our Legal Services team and the wider Banyule community.