You have the right to have an advocate of your choice to support you when accessing our services or making any complaints.
The following organisations are independent to Banyule Community Health and may be able to help you.
Aborigines Advancement League
Phone: (03) 9480 7777
Information, referral, advocacy, counselling and support are available to Koori people on issues such as housing, health, finance, law, education, employment and recreation.
Action on Disabilities within Ethnic Communities (ADEC)
Phone: (03) 9480 7000
Advocacy for people with disabilities from a non-English speaking background.
Alzheimer’s Australia
Phone: 9815 7800
Alzheimer’s Australia is the peak body providing support and advocacy for Australians living with dementia.
Association for Children with a Disability
Phone: (03) 9818 2000
Assists families of children (aged 0-18 years) with a disability with information, support and advocacy.
Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU)
Phone: 9639 5807
DARU is a statewide service established to support the disability advocacy sector. A directory of advocacy organisations is available through its website.
Disability Rights Victoria
Phone: (03) 9489 2999
Provides legal advice and assistance to people affected by the Disability Discrimination Act making a complaint.
Leadership Plus Inc. (formerly Action for Community Living)
Phone: (03) 9489 2999
Leadership Plus provides individual advocacy to people with disabilities across metropolitan Melbourne. They also provide specialist individual advocacy support to people with an Acquired Brain Injury.
National Aged Care Advocacy Line
Phone: 1800 700 600
North East Citizen Advocacy (NECA)
Phone: (03) 8407 3684
Local advocacy agency providing short and long-term advocacy. The NECA program works throughout the area to link up with people who have an intellectual disability and need support to deal with issues in their lives.
Office of the Public Advocate (OPA)
Phone: 1300 309 337
OPA is an independent statutory body established by the Victorian State Government. OPA works to protect and promote the interests, rights and dignity of people with a disability.
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)
Phone: 1800 700 600
OPAN organizations offer independent and confidential services that focus on supporting older people (and their representatives) to raise and address issues to accessing and interacting with Commonwealth funded aged care services including My Aged Care/CHSP services, Residential Aged Care, Home Care Packages, ACAS.
Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with a Disability (VALID)
Phone: (03) 9416 4003
Provides information and advocacy support to people with intellectual disabilities, their families carers and advocates.