For over 20 years, Wiradjuri woman Shannon Gleeson has devoted her life to nursing. Now, a specialist nurse in pancreatic and upper GI cancer, she also part of the growing army of health professionals on the COVID-19 front.
Alongside team mates from the Banyule Community Health, she assists in the critical work of COVID-19 testing.
Read about and listen to Shannon discussing the importance of COVID-19 testing with Charles Pakana at Connection Matters Radio.
Got symptoms? Get tested at our:
GREENSBOROUGH DRIVE-THROUGH COVID CLINIC – Diamond Valley Sports and Fitness Centre Car Park, 44 Civic Drive, Greensborough (9:00am – 4:00pm, 7 days).
WEST HEIDELBERG WALK-IN COVID CLINIC – Olympic Village Leisure Centre, 15 Alamein Road, West Heidelberg (Monday to Friday, 10.00am – 4.00pm).