Banyule Community Health has been made aware a confirmed COVID-19 case has visited our West Heidelberg Vaccination Clinic centre (on Wednesday (AM) 25th August 2021).
As a result, our West Heidelberg Vaccination Clinic is a Tier 2 exposure site:
Banyule Community Health, West Heidelberg Vaccination Clinic, 21 Alamein Road, West Heidelberg (vaccination clinic).
The Clinic remains open.
As a Community Health Service, we have robust infection prevention and control measures in place, including a requirement for all staff to use personal protective equipment.
These measures have held us in good stead across our sites to date.
Banyule Community Health has provided the Department of Health with the contact details of all staff, clients and contractors who attended the Vaccination Clinic for contract tracing purposes.
If you are identified as a primary close contact or secondary close contact the Department of Health (DH) will get in touch with you directly. These calls or text messages can come from private or unknown numbers. Please answer these calls or follow text message advice if you receive a call or text message. If you require further information you can contact DH on 1300 651 160.
If you or anyone in your family develop symptoms, including very mild symptoms (for example headache, runny nose or scratchy throat) please get tested.
If you need to get tested please check www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au for up to date information about waiting times at testing sites across the state.
Find the latest listing of public exposure sites (frequently updated) at www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/exposure-sites