As previously informed, the West Heidelberg Vaccination Clinic was identified as a Tier 2 COVID exposure site on Wednesday 25th August from 10.45am – 11.45am.
This exposure was due to a positive COVID test from a client attending the Vaccination Clinic. The client was appropriately screened and was asymptomatic at the time. The client displayed symptoms the following day, tested and isolated until their results were provided. Upon testing positive, Banyule Community Health were informed as part of the tracing process.
Six staff members who were potentially exposed during that time were quickly identified and all undertook a COVID test and isolated. All results have now been confirmed as negative. All staff who were potentially exposed were double vaccinated, followed the correct infection control guidelines and protocols, and responded with great professionalism.
Community members who attended the Vaccination Clinic during the exposure period were notified and undertook a COVID test, and isolated. We thank them for following the Department of Health guidelines and for their assistance in helping protect our community.
This incident has highlighted that the Delta variant is a real danger to our community and outbreaks remain likely. Banyule Community Health will continue to deliver vaccinations to our community and strongly encourage all staff, clients, and community members to get vaccinated.
This incident has reinforced just how important it is that we, as a community, follow the rules and a timely reminder that no area is immune to COVID. We all play an important role in reducing the spread by:
- getting vaccinated
- getting tested with any symptoms
- scan QR Codes on attendance
- utilise telehealth for appointments where possible
- wear your face mask at all times in the appropriate manner.
Thank you Banyule Community Health staff that responded so professionally and with great care and compassion. We are in good hands.
Stay safe,
Mick Geary
CEO, Banyule Community Health