“Banyule Community Health believe a Voice to Parliament is a meaningful step towards Australia’s First Nations Peoples having a say in the matters that affect them.”
– Michael Smith, Banyule Community Health, Board Chair.
Having an honest and transparent relationship with our First Nations community is a priority for Banyule Community Health. Under the guidance of strong and thoughtful First Nations leaders, Banyule Community Health has developed a ‘Statement of Commitment to First Nations Peoples.’
At the core of the Statement is a recognition of Aboriginal Sovereignty never being ceded; of the deep harm caused by colonisation; and the importance of First Nations people determining their own path.
Over a long period of time, Banyule Community Health has engaged leaders, community members and local organisations about the conversations occurring at a national level, particularly the Referendum to enshrine a First Nations Voice in the Australian Constitution. These valued local voices, and an even louder chorus of First Nations voices across Australia has shaped our approach. Banyule Community Health will be supporting a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
Banyule Community Health will share information about the Uluru Statement and the Voice to Parliament referendum through our community in a variety of ways over the coming months to ensure our community are well informed .
Read our Statement to First Nations Peoples here
Read our Reconciliation Action Plan here