Banyule Community Health is an ‘essential service’. We take your health and safety seriously and have put a number of strategies in place as a response to COVID-19.
- Our strategies are in-line with guidelines outlined by the Chief Health Officer.
- If you are feeling unwell, please do not attend your appointment or group.
- Please use the hand sanitiser stations throughout the buildings.
- Please respect the 1.5m social distancing in all areas.
- Where possible, please stay within the designated area for your appointment or group event. Please don’t visit other areas of the building if not necessary.
- When sneezing or coughing, please use the crook of your arm.
- While at BCH regular hand hygiene is recommended.
- Reception and café areas now have “sneeze screens” installed.
- Please note each meeting / group room has a sign indicating how many people can be in the room and will be equipped with infection control products for use (ie. hand sanitiser and wipes).
- You may see some staff wearing masks or gloves, please note this is mainly in clinical areas where guidelines indicate it should be used for infection control.
- Please note that not all client facing staff need to wear PPE.
- Avoid contact such as shaking hands and hugging.
- Clients and visitors to BCH are encouraged to download the COVID SAFE APP.
- You may be required to provide additional contact information, this is to assist with contact tracing if required.
- Our staff are working hard to ensure clients and visitors adhere to these guidelines, so please be patient if things take a little longer than usual.
Thank you for your assistance in helping us to keep Banyule Community Health COVID-19 Safe “WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER”