We welcome Jenny Macklin as the first Patron of Banyule Community Health.

Jenny Macklin was the Federal Member for Jaga Jaga for 23 years until her recent retirement in 2019,
As a Minister in the Federal Parliament, Jenny led a series of significant reforms that improved the lives of some of our most vulnerable community members. Jenny oversaw the Apology to the Stolen Generations, the introduction of the Paid Parental Leave Scheme, delivered the largest increase to the Pension in the history of the payment, was responsible for the initial design and implementation of the NDIS, led a bipartisan apology to the “Forgotten Australians” and was integral part of the establishment of the Royal Commission in to Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
In her 23 years in Canberra, Jenny never forgot about her local community and always supported the work of Banyule Community Health and other local organisations. Her love for West Heidelberg, its people and for Banyule Community Health was unashamed. Jenny was, and still is, a champion for inclusion, justice and a healthy community for all.
Jenny’s purpose as a politician and a leader are inextricably linked to Banyule Community Health’s purpose and values. We welcome Jenny as the first Patron of Banyule Community Health.