Gender Equity

– Strong statement
– Our plan
– How to connect for services –
– Partnership with WHIN
– Advocacy and (Reclaim the Night and other campaigns)

At Banyule Community Health we believe strongly in, and are committed to, Gender Equity. We strive to

  • We developed our Diversity and Inclusion Plan in consultation with staff and community in 2021- LINK
  • We are proactive in preventing and addressing violence against women
  • We recognize the stigma and discrimination faced by people with sexual and gender diversity and are committed to safety and wellbeing of all workforce and community members from the LGBTIQA+ communities. We are actively preparing for assessment against the Rainbow Tick standards.
  • We have been leaders in community events to champion women’s rights such as Reclaim the Night, 16 days of activism, International Women’s Day, week without violence, reclaim the night for many years
  • We are partners in the Building Respectful Communities
  • We provide services, social supports and art group who’ve experienced domestic violence
  • 82% of our workforce are female
  • We have flexible working arrangements available to all our workforce, which is taken up by the majority of staff in different ways, to meet their work- life balance
  • We pay our staff in accordance with Award conditions, based on qualifications, skills and experience
  • The Women of West Heidelberg are a very active group of local women who meet regularly to …. Recently, they made a scarf together to…. Now, they are working on an art project to demonstrate Inclusion to help people feel welcome when they come to our services.
  • Our playgroups take a focus on gender equity during Book Week
  • We are part of the Workplace Gender Equity Agency reporting framework- LINK to reports