Banyule Community Health supports the calls from First Nations people to the change of date of Australia Day, and embrace a new celebration date that reflects Australia’s true history. A history that dates over 60,000 years.
This week is a painful reminder of the impact of colonisation for First Nations people. Celebrating Australia Day on the 26th of January causes significant harm that we can address.
Banyule Community Health CEO, Mick Geary highlights the recently launched Reconciliation Action Plan. “The RAP makes a number of commitments, but most importantly a vision for a better understanding of our true history and embracing Australia’s rich and diverse cultures. Banyule Community Health stands with First Nations people and acknowledges the deeply harmful impact of colonisation.”
You can read the RAP and the Banyule Community Health Statement of Commitment to First Nations Peoples here.
The 26th January is a great opportunity to seek a better understanding of Australia by connecting with First Nations voices, stories and opinions First Nations voices and opinions. It’s a time to be a good ally. A wide range of information is available through NITV and ABC Indigenous and a range of other outlets.