Congratulations Kristen Munro, Banyule Community Health Aboriginal Early Years Playgroup and MCH Support Worker, on being awarded the Walda Blow 2021 Victorian Protecting Children Award for her work in Aboriginal Early Years supported playgroups for Banyule Community Health and Banyule City Council.
Kristen joined Banyule Community Health in early 2018 as a member of our Aboriginal Health team and has been facilitating supported playgroups for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families ever since. In 2021 Kristen also started working with Banyule City Council to offer similar Aboriginal-specific Early Years programs. Her dual role as an early year’s worker and supported playgroup facilitator means she can walk beside families to access crucial maternal and child health, medical and allied health professionals. Kristen’s work for both community organisations has been recognised by the Victorian Commission for Children and Young People.
“We are incredibly proud of the contribution that Kristen, a Djab Wurrung woman, is making in our local community. She truly cares for the cultural, physical, mental and social wellbeing of the children and families she works with. Banyule Community Health are so fortunate to have such an intuitive and passionate community asset.”
Mick Geary, CEO, Banyule Community Health.
The Walda Blow Award was established in partnership with the Victorian Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, in memory of Aunty Walda Blow – a proud Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wemba Elder who lived her life in pursuit of equality.
In Aunty Walda’s name, this Award recognises contributions of an Aboriginal person in Victoria to the safety and wellbeing of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children and young people. For more information on Aunty Walda please visit the Aboriginal Victoria – Aboriginal Honour Roll website.
Congratulations on this fantastic award and recognition Kristen. Our local Banyule community is very fortunate to have such an outstanding professional caring for our young people.